In addition to unity, God's Word tells us that others will know we are His disciples by how we love one another. So our love must look drastically different than the world's love. I always question: Does it? Does my love for others look that different?

We often know how to love in the coming-alongside, encouraging, mourning-with, celebrating-with way. But God also teaches us to speak the truth in love. Around here we call it the last 10 percent.

What does that look like? One person, let’s call her Jane, may be praying to God and asking Him to shape her into His image and use her. Another person, let’s call her Sue, is praying the same thing. Sue starts to hear from God that she needs to talk to Jane about pride. Sue doesn't want to tell Jane. But God will not let Sue alone. So Sue finally comes in obedience and says, “I don't want to be here and I may be wrong, I don't want to do this, but every time you talk about buying a new house, buying a new car, I sense what may be pride. I know you would want to know.” Now, Sue has been obedient to God, and He is using her to shape Jane. Are we willing to do that?

Am I open to this? When Sue says this to me, what is my response? Do I say, “Thank you” and as soon as Sue leaves I call some friends and complain about her? I say, “I can't believe Sue said that,” and I start to talk about her? That's what the world does. Or do I sincerely say, “That stings, but thank you.” As soon as she leaves I hit my knees. I ask, “God, is this you, do you want to refine this out of me?”

You bet He's got my attention. I'm pouring His Word into me about this. I'm telling my friends to please tell me if they see pride in me. This is painful and hard, but exciting because God is refining me. I get to be shaped in the image of Christ. As these things die out, I'm left with His character, His response, and His love. I want that in my life.

I know God has designed this. He uses us to shape one another. Are we willing to love one another, to remind us that we are united in Him? Or do we say “no, confrontation is hard.” This is critical to God. Are we willing to be a part of this? That would be loving one another in a drastically different way than the world loves.

Scripture gives us tons of direction in how we are to love. The standards are sky high. We can't love like that.

But when we surrender, He will love through us. Are we available for His love to come through us? Those who don't know Him will see it and be drawn to this kind of love. Are we loving one another the way God called us to love one another?

In my next blog, I'll share how our attitude matters to God.