Group Finder

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Group Finder

Adults - Follow

Weekly: Wednesdays at 6:30 PM

Adults, Married

Come be a part of a welcoming community where we gather for meaningful connection, prayer, and discipleship. For more details and our exact location, reach out to Danny Horsley at We’d love to have you with us!


College Life - New London

Weekly: Thursdays at 7:00 PM

College, Young Adults

2361 New London Rd Forest, VA 24551

Calling young adults aged students (18-25) looking for community with a gospel centered focus. Eat together, pray together, talk scripture together and lean into who God is calling us to be. If you have any questions, contact Landon Fielder at


Dads with Littles - New London

Weekly: Tuesdays at 6:30 AM


20677 Lynchburg Hwy Forest, VA 24551

Join this group of dads with young children as we walk through life together. We meet Tuesday's at 6:30am for an early morning Bible study at County Line. If you have any questions, please contact Klay Finch at


Encounter - Bedford

Weekly: Wednesdays at 6:30 PM


594 Blue Ridge Ave Bedford, VA 24523

Get an up-close and personal introduction to Jesus directly from the Bible through a study of the Gospel of John. Encounter offers a welcoming environment where you’ll sit at a table with a small group of people, listen to live teaching, and discuss with a table leader. Starting September 25 and running into early spring.


Encounter - New London

Weekly: Thursdays at 7:00 PM


2361 New London Rd Forest, VA 24551

Get an up-close and personal introduction to Jesus directly from the Bible through a study of the Gospel of John. Encounter offers a welcoming environment where you’ll sit at a table with a small group of people, listen to live teaching, and discuss with a table leader. Starting September 19 and running into early spring.


Married Life - New London

Weekly: Sundays at 6:00 PM


2361 New London Rd Forest, VA 24551

Our next session will be February 16 – April 13 on Sunday evenings at the New London campus from 6-8pm along with a mandatory retreat, at New London, on March 14 (evening) and March 15 (all day). We will not meet Sunday, March 16. Marriage doesn’t have to be full of frustration and disappointment but can be exciting and fulfilling. Join other married couples as we go through the marriage study, “Marriage on the Rock” by Jimmy Evans. This study addresses many major issues a couple will encounter including communication, priorities, money, sex and more. The cost is $50 per couple. No childcare is provided. Spots are limited so register now! If you have any questions, please contact Patricia Coleman at


Men's Life - Bedford

Weekly: Thursdays at 6:30 AM


1128 E Lynchburg Salem Tpke Bedford, VA 24523

As men, we are called to tend and to watch, or in other words, to protect and guard (Genesis 2:15). This is our natural “warrior” or “lion” in us. The Lord also calls us as men to love and to not be harsh (Colossians 3:19). This is our “lamb” side. In life, especially in relationships, it is equally as important to be a lamb as it is to be a lion. The goal of this group is to dive into what it looks like to be both a lion and a lamb. We will do this by equipping and encouraging each other by asking questions, reading, and studying scripture together in fellowship. We will meet on Thursdays at McDonald’s in Bedford from 6:30AM-8:00AM. For more information email or


Men's Life - Lynchburg

Weekly: Wednesdays at 6:30 AM

College, Men, Young Adults

20186 Timberlake Rd Lynchburg, VA 24502

The purpose of the group is to follow Jesus together in community, giving one another space in our lives to encourage us toward Christ. Along with studying scripture, we’ll ask each other questions to keep us accountable for living a Christ honoring life filled with integrity. We will meet at 6:30-7:45am on Wednesday mornings at Timberlake Starbucks (corner of Greenview and Timberlake). If you have questions about this LifeGroup contact Chad at


Men's Life - Rustburg

Weekly: Mondays at 6:30 PM

Men, Young Adults

111 Meadowbrook Ln Rustburg, VA 24588

Join other men as we learn how to study the Bible together and what it practically looks like to follow Jesus. We will be digging into what the Bible has to say, prayer and spending time in open discussion. If you have questions, contact Mike Kelley at


Men's Life - Thaxton

Weekly: Wednesdays at 7:00 PM


1709 Buffalo Run Thaxton, VA 24174

Join this group of men who are walking through life together. We are studying the Word of God and helping each other in our journey of being Christ-followers. We also take time to serve the community and each other. If you have a question, contact Cliff McKisson at or Mike Bennett at


Moms with Littles - Lynchburg Starbucks

Weekly: Mondays at 6:00 AM


20186 Timberlake Rd Lynchburg, VA 24502

Join this group of moms with young children as we walk through life together. We are studying the books of the Bible with a new devotional every few months. As we focus on deepening our relationships with God and each other we also try to connect throughout the week whether that be at a playground, the mall, or another mom’s home. This is a moms ONLY group without the kids. We meet for an early morning Bible study at Starbucks. If you have any questions, please contact Brittany Finch at


Moms with Littles - New London 8:45

Weekly: Wednesdays at 8:45 AM

Child-Friendly, Moms

2361 New London Rd Forest, VA 24551

Join this group of moms with young children as we walk through life together. We are studying the books of the Bible with a new devotional every few months. As we focus on deepening our relationships with God, our kiddos, and each other we also try to connect throughout the week whether that be at a playground, the mall, or another mom’s home. There is no childcare provided, so Wednesday mornings are treated as a big playdate as we study, play, and grow together. We meet in the walkers/2's room at the New London campus. If you have any questions, please contact Brittany Finch at

Registration Closed

Moms with Littles - New London 9:45

Weekly: Wednesdays at 9:45 AM

Child-Friendly, Moms

2361 New London Rd Forest, VA 24551

Join this group of moms with young children as we walk through life together. We are studying the books of the Bible with a new devotional every few months. As we focus on deepening our relationships with God, our kiddos, and each other we also try to connect throughout the week whether that be at a playground, the mall, or another mom’s home. There is no childcare provided, so Wednesday mornings are treated as a big playdate as we study, play, and grow together. We meet in the walkers/2's room at the New London campus. If you have any questions, please contact Brittany Finch at

Registration Closed

Senior Life - New London

Weekly: Thursdays at 10:00 AM

Senior Adults

2361 New London Rd Forest, VA 24551

Meets at BR New London. Join other seniors as we worship, pray and discuss biblical topics. If you have any questions, please contact Darlene Noffsinger at


Silver Singles - Bedford

Weekly: Tuesdays at 10:00 AM

Senior Adults, Singles

594 Blue Ridge Ave Bedford, VA 24523

Join other single seniors (never been married, fully divorced or widowed) as we pray, discuss biblical teachings and do life together. If you have any questions, please contact Sonja Nott at


Single Life - New London

Weekly: Wednesdays at 7:00 PM

Adults, Singles, Young Adults

2361 New London Rd Forest, VA 24551

Join other single adults (never been married, fully divorced or widowed) as we pray, discuss biblical teachings and do life together. We do lots of community outreach projects and fun events as a community. Then we also have a women's bible study and a men's group that meet regularly on other days of the week. We are a true community that does life together. Please contact Terry or Barb Quaintance if you have any questions at Hope you will join us!


Women's Group - Equip

Weekly: Tuesdays at 6:00 PM


2361 New London Rd Forest, VA 24551

Equip - Discipleship For Women is dedicated to training and supporting women in their journey to become disciples of Jesus who then, in keeping with Matthew 28:19, make more disciples. The core mission of Equip is to walk alongside women, helping them follow Jesus in their daily lives (Ephesians 4:12), grow in His likeness (1 Timothy 4:7-8), and actively participate in His mission of making disciples (Mark 1:17). Equip aims to empower women to build up the body of Christ and spread His message through disciple-making, recognizing the enduring value of godliness. If you have questions, please contact Angie Godsey at or Candie Maupin at


Women's Life - Bedford PM

Weekly: Wednesdays at 7:00 PM


594 Blue Ridge Ave Bedford, VA 24523

Join us for a 6-week study on The Real Heaven by Chip Ingram. Heaven is a hot topic on today’s bestseller lists. But what does the Bible tell us about the afterlife? What happens the moment after we die? And what will our redeemed relationships be like? Join us as we look into Scripture to reveal what God wants us to know about the hereafter—and how it affects our decisions today. No homework required. Women's Life Bedford meets in the Preschool COPS room on Wednesday evenings from 7pm to 8:30pm. If you have questions, please contact Nan Torrence at


Women's Life - New London

Weekly: Tuesdays at 7:00 PM

Women, Young Adults

2361 New London Rd Forest, VA 24551

The Bible can seem confusing, overwhelming and hard to read. Even though it can seem that way, it is a cohesive story with a purpose - it’s God’s story. There is a thread that runs through it and the thread is the story of Jesus; the story of God’s love for humanity. This year WL is going to study Genesis through Matthew to follow that thread for all of 2025. We will see how the Old Testament connects to the New Testament and how Jesus is everywhere from Genesis to Matthew. It’s going to be an exciting year and a year of learning and diving deeper. Come join us as we study God’s Nima - His thread through His story. If you have questions, please contact Crystal George at
